Deception In 'The Rose Code And Atonement'

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In film and literature, deception leads to negative consequences that affect the self and those around them. These consequences can come in the form of regret, as demonstrated in the movie Atonement and the novel The Rose Code. The film Atonement, directed by Joe Wright, explores how the character Briony deceives those around her. She regrets it for the rest of her life as her sister, Cecilia, and her loved one, Robbie, stop talking to Briony, and their relationship turns from love to hate. Moreover, Kate Quinn’s novel, The Rose Code, explores the relationship between three best friends, Osla, Mab and Beth. This friendship turns from love to hate through the many deceptions and lies they tell each other due to the nature of their code-breaking job at Bletchley Park. This turn of events makes all three characters hate each other and regret their actions. Thus, in The Rose Code and Atonement, the deception of loved ones leads to regret and affects the characters and those around them. In …show more content…

During her childhood, Briony developed romantic feelings for Robbie, who was older than her and considered her as nothing more than a friend. Briony felt jealous when she saw Robbie make love to her sister Cecilia. As revenge, she blamed him for raping her cousin and deceived everyone when telling the police officer, ”Yes. I saw him, I saw him with my own eyes”(Atonement 44:21), when she saw another man. This deception leads to Robbie being taken away and eventually sent to war. Briony regretted this action so much that she tried to make amends in her old age with her last book, in which she told their story and gave them a happy ending in which they get happily married and live happily. This example of Briony regretting her deception throughout her life shows how deception can lead to regret and affect the

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