
Negative Effects On Lying

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On the negative effects on lying and how it could effect the mission. Lying can hurt the people around you and also hurt yourself. Lying is easily shown among adolescents, as children, parents have always taught their kids that lying is a bad habit and should not be encouraged making lying no longer a bad habit because they witness the lies that are coming out of everyone’s mouth. There are two types of lies, there’s the usual white lie that doesn’t seem as bad, also there’s the severe lie that hurts the person or effects the workplace on how the lie was told. Getting into trouble is a situation that everyone tries to avoid, and who we try to avoid, it’s certain that we try to avoid getting in trouble with the authority, what I consider being the authority is …show more content…

Those you are surrounded by can help with boosting your self-esteem. For example, your peers only want what is the absolute best for you because they know you can be more than you are, just like your NCO. They are there for you through thick and thin, and that is a comfort in itself. They can cover for you when you do something bad, they can tell if you are having a rough day, or they can help you out if something on you does not look right. Even after the fact, they still looked out for you even if you ‘throw them under the bus.’ Therefore, when it is brought to the friend or peer’s attention, the person that they covered for wants to know why? They soon wonder if you did it on purpose, or if it was all in the moment. When in reality, all you wanted to do was make sure your T`s were crossed and your I’s are dotted. Just because you may have had good intentions, it does not justify what you did; it also does not exactly mean that they will forgive you for putting them under the bus in certain situations. The downfall of the situation is that you are now labeled to some as a liar, or in this case a bad friend who is not very

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