Biblical Leadership Themes

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Critically compare and evaluate three themes or issues related to the practice of leadership discussed in the readings and set text taking into consideration a Biblical worldview. The three themes that are related to the practice of leadership that I will review are Model the way (leading by example) , Inspire a shared vision (leading continuous change) and Enable others to act (giving others the opportunity to lead and make decisions). In the book the Leadership challenge Kouzes and Posner define "leadership as the art of mobilizing others to want to struggle for shared aspirations. The leaders model the way through the principles of how people should be treated and the manner in which goals are pursued. As leaders model the way in the …show more content…

Bass (1985)Bennis and Nanus. This is done in isolation based on superiority. It lacks the facets stated by Leithwood and Jantzi for setting direction where there is a shared understanding of goals, purposes and vision. Successful leaders are good followers that engage all. They embrace human relations "when they harness ... knowledge and encourage innovation through teamwork" Leadership can be exercised by " teams as well as individuals" Harris (2002) whilst upholding a biblical worldview. Leithwood (2001) advocate for distributive leadership as an alternative to the top down model. As leaders enlist others leadership is encouraged in others. Jesus called disciples to follow him. He later commissioned them make more disciples in Matthew 28. Leadership is therefore not limited to a select few. Leaders have followers who in turn become leaders when others are …show more content…

Maxwell points out that "trust is the foundation of leadership." Where there is a lack of trust ; there is poor job satisfaction, poor loyalty which is important for the leader and follower. (1998) According to Bonan and Deal " leaders build diverse teams which accommodate different skills and processes. Leadership is situated in both relationships and teams. Procter and Fulop claim that human relationships are core to a team. The interaction of individuals play a significant role in the development of a team. As leaders enable others to act leaders have a stewardship responsibility. They are accountable for the people they lead 2 Corinthians 5verse 9- 11. According to O Harae, it is the responsibility of leaders to lead people according to his purpose. This stems from the premise that leadership is from God , under God , by God and for