My Philosophy Of Leadership Summary Statement With Biblical And Theological Support

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Emily Hilton Professor Breton BCM253 April 16th, 2024 My Philosophy of Leadership Summary Statement with Biblical & Theological Support The first thing that is important to me as a Christian leader is having active and consistent quiet time with the Lord. To lead well, we must lead from example, and there is no better example than the example that Christ sets for us. We see numerous times throughout Scripture people who actively connect with God before making decisions or leading. One of the biggest examples of this is Moses. Moses often seems to go to God before making any significant decisions, and even when he is not under pressure, he is still quick to speak to the Lord, on any occasion. We are told that “Moses used to take a tent and pitch it outside the camp …show more content…

Doing this not only appeases everyone where they feel their voices heard, but also allows for new ideas to be taken into consideration. It’s super important to remember as a leader that new things are not necessarily bad and deserve to be considered, and even tested to create a better environment to lead in A final important factor for Christian leaders is being able to deal with the subconscious biases and hurt that you may come in with from life. In the book “Strengthening the Soul of Your Leadership” by Ruth Hayley Barton, the author discusses what this looks like. She claims that leaders must “claim [their] experiences as [their] own, and acknowledge the ways they have shaped [them]” putting them “in a position to take responsibility for [themselves], rather than. manipulating and controlling reality” (Barton 48). This step is crucial for Christian leaders because it is extremely harmful to bring in an extreme amount of hurt and bias into a leadership position. If a leader is not able to take care of their baggage, in a way that honors the Lord, there is no way they can be expected to lead