Steering Through Chaos Chapter Summary

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Motivating Non-Profit Leaders for Excellence
Ready, Set, Grow is an extrapolation of Pastor Wilson’s concept of closing the leadership gap which he proposes in his book, Steering Through Chaos. He invites fellow leaders to witness the process of leadership development vicariously; revealing both the challenges and victories his church experienced throughout the journey. Wilson illustrates his process in the form of three conversations, each implementing rigorous goals designed to expand the team’s leadership effectiveness and to impact more people. The first conversation concentrates on their honest assessment of the current culture of the leadership team; recognizing their need for personal growth so they become models of effective leadership. In conversation two, Pastor Wilson calls his team to step up to the next level of leadership, equipping. While continuing to exemplify great leadership, he challenges them to expand their influence through those they lead by reproducing the culture of learning he had initiated with them. Finally, he compels the team to embrace the power of multiplication; releasing those they have mentored to train others also (2 Timothy 2:2). As Scott Wilson indicates, this model of leadership development is not new, but instead is how Jesus equipped his followers to discharge their responsibility to make disciples of …show more content…

First, he challenged them to select people; faithful, available, and teachable people (Herman, 1991); who were or could become the next generation of leaders. Second, he called these leaders together to hammer out a set of specific, measurable, and realistic goals that would cultivate their latent leadership capacity. Lastly, Pastor Wilson continued to motivate and hold his leaders accountable in this