The Five Factors Of Leadership

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In any organization, there are people that are hired to make the crucial decisions that will define how well a company functions, and they are known as leaders. The characteristic of a good leader is someone who has the drive, determination, and ambition to push a company forward in the future. Success and longevity of any company is determined by the leadership that is in control of the destiny of a company (Frances Hesselbein Leadership Institute, Pg. 65, 2013). The characteristic of a leader is also determined by their leadership style. Leadership style is how a leader implements plans, provides direction to the staff and for the company, and the drive in motivating people to be the best in their craft. Leadership style is a very important …show more content…

180, 2014). The five factors are applied to improve the leadership role of leaders in the organization. The five factors are set as guidelines for leaders to follow, and are set to create a successful work environment. The five factors are: building trust with employees, making people a vital asset to the company by using incentives to keep them, train employees by giving them the tools to make their jobs easier and more productive, make judgment calls and decisions that will impact the company in a positive way, and finally, focus on creating a positive work environment for employees, while creating open communication with staff (Northouse, pg. 205, 2013). The factors mentioned applies to the discipline of the leader, and how well they can lead the organization. A leader has to focus on making a company successful and doing it in an ethical …show more content…

This is why a leader has to make sure they have the right tools to help employees make the right decisions when communicating with other employees, as well as complete important tasks. Leaders have to be the mentors and motivators of their employees (Wolf, pg. 180, 2014). A good leader has to value employees and their contributions to a company. In making sure a person has the abilities to be a good leader, there is an assessment test a leader can take. This test is known as the Authentic Leadership Self-Assessment Questionnaire. This test assesses the type of leader a person is considered to be. When I did this test to determine my leadership, my score was self awareness- 18, internalized moral perspective- 17, balanced processing-17, and relational transparency- 17. A high score for self-awareness indicates a strong leadership capacity. This can be developed throughout a person’s life by their maturity status, upbringing, and life experiences. A low score means a person does not have a strong awareness of life to be a leader. My score for this was an 18 and that is good for being a leader. A person has to be able to relate to others and be empathetic to the wants and needs of employees in order to relate to them. A high score in internalized moral perspective means a leader will do the right thing based on moral values and beliefs. I