The Pros And Cons Of Lying

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“Lying is bad, or so we 're told. Constantly. From birth. Honesty is the best policy. The truth shall set you free” (“Tell Me Sweet Little Lies”). Lying has been a very prominent issue since the beginning of time, and it has progressively gotten worse since the first case thousands of years ago. To clarify, lying is the “the telling of lies, or false statements; untruthfulness:” (“Lying”). No matter what your opinion is on the morality of lying, no one can deny that they do it. Lying is always morally wrong because it is used to benefit one 's self-image, cover up one’s personal flaws, and it is used to receive some sort of personal gain. One reason that lying is morally wrong, is because it is almost always used to improve self-image dishonestly. In a study done by Bella DePaulo, a social psychologist at the University of California, she found that out of 147 adults, most lied about 1-2 times a day (Bhattacharjee). Also, the majority of those lies were aimed at “presenting a false image” (Bhattacharjee). People have insecurities that lead them to lie and over exaggerate their position or title in the world. What they don 't realize is that most people would rather be told the truth about someone than being lied to about someone 's identity. Everyday Health says that “being lied to can be frustrating and it often breaks the bond of trust between two people, causing problems in the relationship” (“Understanding People Who Lie.”). Lying about one’s self-image or title has the