Declaration Of Independence And Maus Comparison Essay

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In using the story line from Maus, a story about the Holocaust in comic form, and the United States of America’s very own Declaration of Independence, we can see how history has shaped the society we live in today. The Declaration was written so that the American society could establish the main and lasting fact that all men are created equal and there are certain unalienable rights that governments should never violate. These rights include the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. This fundamental foundation is the very fabric in which the United States greatness is built upon. Maus, on the other hand, takes the most horrific event of modern civilization and shows the complete opposite, how an individual can live in a world where you are persecuted for who you are, you have no right to liberty or the pursuit of happiness. Your only option is survival and even that is only a dim possibility. So in taking these two examples we need to understand how they are literal literature pieces that have shaped our society and in some ways society has not completely learned from these examples, repeating the bad behavior of the past. The examples from these two pieces can be only understood when you understand which each of them are written from and the background of their purpose. Maus is a story about …show more content…

We also can see that some of the events still happen today in the world. Even though great examples of democracy like the Declaration of Independence exists and the horror of the events of the holocaust occurred, there is still major evil that is in our societies. The good news is we can say we a major degree of confidence that the majority of society has learned and can use the example of these writings as a shaping for today's world and