Essay On Declaration Of Independence

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Should we consider the consider the ideals of the Declaration to be important to society? In 1776 these four ideals made history when Thomas Jefferson along with other forefathers placed these words on a paper now known as the Declaration of independence. Not only did this document declare independence but it also strengthened the American people. No longer should they be considered just settlers of the new world, but citizens of rising a nation. These ideals reflected what America should be, a nation where the people had a voice in their country’s welfare. It’s debatable that these ideals equality, unalienable rights, consent of the governed, the right to alter or abolish are equal in their significance. “All men are born equal” is a quote many used for justification, but do they really understand the significance behind it? Many may choose to interpret this quote their own way, but the ideal message …show more content…

Citizens are given the right the choose what’s best for the wellbeing of their country. The lack of “consent of the governed “results in disputes between the citizens and the government which further leads to protest, rebellions, strikes and sadly war in some cases. For instance, The American revolution was a typical result of the lack of consent of the governed in country. A government formed from the consent of the governed is more successful in maintaining its power, for the views of both the people and governmental officials are considered in the discussion of the country’s welfare. The citizens are the best suited to choosing their government since they’re the ones carrying out their daily task in the country. Therefore, the people would know what’s needed for the country and who will govern the country justly so that the needs of the country are met. This creates a nation of peace and unity and reduces the chances of chaos within the