Federalist Paper No. 10 Analysis

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The Federalist Papers, essays written on behalf of the ratification of the Constitution, by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay, are testaments to our Founding Fathers’ steadfast belief in a strong, national government; unified against the ills of those wishing to impose their tyrannical beliefs on the nascent country. More specifically, these eighty-five pieces of political brilliance truly shed light on just how divided our country was, with the Federalists believing in a national government, administered by a strong, core Federal system, and the Anti-Federalists, those who were opposed to the federal system, and alternately believed in a strong state system, with no strong, core federal government uniting the states. These Federalist papers were in essence a plea, then, to the people of the …show more content…

10, advises that perhaps one of the foremost arguments that promotes the Constitution as the premier form of government, in countering the Anti-Federalist ideas, is the argument that a national, federal system is the best way to fight the factional elements found within. The representative government outlined in the Constitution, such that the citizens elect representatives who then vote and create law with the citizens’ best interest at the fore, is a much better alternative to the states current situation, that of broken unification and growing dissent. As opposed to direct democracy, where every citizen is involved directly in the law making process, is already at the outset not set up for success, because the aforementioned factions will form majorities and vote on law as best suited for themselves, and the minorities end up with no say or voice in the law-making process. Though factions are almost a given in any democracy, a strong, federal government that backs up the states will have much more power to quell any factional attempt to form majorities that until now the disenfranchised states had no power to