Declaration Of Independence Causes And Effects

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The Declaration of Independence was written to establish the early American colonies’ freedom from an oppressive English rule. The preamble sums up the intent of the entire declaration: ”We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed, by their Creator, with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness”. An America without the creation of the Declaration is a totally different country. The document was and still is the foundation to the freedoms that most Americans take for granted today. In June 1776, during the second Continental Congress, a group of men came together on one accord and with one dream that would affect America tremendously. The group of men consisted of John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Roger Sherman, and Robert R. Livingston, and Thomas Jefferson. Although all the men put in their ideas and opinions announcing why the …show more content…

Just as England moved troops to occupy New York, they also moved troops to Boston, which ultimately led to the most infamous incidents of the revolution called the Boston Massacre. In the Boston Massacre, British soldiers took arms and killed five members of an unruly and potentially dangerous mob. With the tensions occurring during that time and the added presence of troops made events like the Boston Massacre hard to avoid. Although the massacre was tragic but not without great gain, it gave the Americans the opportunity to show all men are equal and have the right to a fair trial. This was shown when John Adams defended the British soldiers during the Massacre trials although he had ties to the Sons of Liberty. It was beneficial and less hypocritical for him to defend the soldiers and give them a fair trial rather than persecute them as murderers, especially when it was the freedom of “rights to a fair trail” that John Adams was fighting