Declaration Of Independence Dbq

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Before signing the Declaration of Independence, Benjamin Franklin, in the Continental Congress, exclaimed to all state representatives that “we must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately”. Throughout the American Revolution colonial citizens battled relentlessly for land, power, and freedom. Controlled by the British Crown, the colonies were divided by two opposing forces, Loyalists and Patriots, who scattered throughout the colonies and clashed to take over the thirteen colonies. Specifically, the middle colonies experienced the most opposition and conflict throughout the war due to the nation’s capital in Pennsylvania and British headquarters in New York. In between these two largely controlled British Crown states, …show more content…

Composed on vital ports and mountainous terrain, New Jersey was perfect for surprise attacks on enemies, hiding locations, and trade. In the Battle of Trenton, General George Washington lead a surprise attack on Christmas morning to capture and defeat Loyalist grounds. The success of attributes, such as stealthiness, regarding the attack can be credited by the terrain provided in New Jersey for the Americans to defeat their opponents. Washington formed his “detachments into two divisions one to March by the lower or River Road, the other by the upper or Pennington Road... As the Divisions had nearly the same distance to March, [he] ordered each of them, immediately upon forcing the out Guards, to push directly into the Town, that they might charge the Enemy before they had time to form”. In this example, Washington maneuvered his troops across the Hudson River, and utilize connecting roads for flanks to surround the opposing force. Since New Jersey runs along the east coast, during the Revolution trading ports were a major key for forces to have. The British used New Jersey ports for trade with England, and they were very crucial for the British to obtain goods and use them in America. Patriots quickly realized the value these ports offered, and therefore needed to take them over to damage Loyalists from gaining support from England. In the Battle of Chestnut Neck privateers had control …show more content…

In between these two largely controlled British Crown states, stood New Jersey. New Jersey represented a microcosm of the American Revolution as it proved to be economically crucial to the war due to a flourishment in natural resources and practical geography. Civil unrest unfurled as citizens were often forced between support for the Crown or the rebel forces. Therefore, support often fluctuated as regional control staggered between British and Patriot forces. New Jersey also succeeded in militarily convention as citizen and military forces fought for control of vital ports, lands, and resources. Today, New Jersey is perceived as a microcosm of the American economy. A recent scandal in New Jersey arose which demonstrated the corruption in America’s economic situation. Due to its location, similarly to the American Revolution, the state is a large transportation sight with easy access to roads which make travel more efficient. Primarily, the New Jersey Turnpike, a long highway extending through the state, is utilized the most by commuters, but a recent scandal has lead to unpleasantness and misgivings towards the government. The money generated from the highway comes from the daily commuters who pay a certain tax when crossing borders. The toll is essentially used for