Decleration Of Independence Dbq

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The Decleration of Independence is the most important document ever written in the United State’s history and marked the day of independence from Britain. Thomas Jefferson wrote the Decleration of Independence in the summer of 1776 as an annoucment that the American colonies were seperating from Great Britain. Many people interpret Jefferson’s words differently which sometimes causes conflicts in what the meanings of certain ideals are, but the ideals included in the Decleration of Independence are of what the colonies believed in and wanted from their government which were very important in the creation of the United States. Which ideal protects the people and their rights from the government? There are many ideals included in the Declaration of Independence like equality, the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happines, and the right to alter or abolish the government. Each ideal is important the citizens of the United States but some are more important then others.
Equality is a large focus in the Decleration of Independence because it shows that the American people believe that everyone deserves the same treatment, protection and opportunities no matter a person’s gender, race, or religion. …show more content…

Andrew Sullivan said “I believe in the journey, not the arrival”(Doc. B) which related to the right of the pursuit of Happiness because some people’s happiness cannot be obtained but in America you can still try because of the opportunities there are in the Unites States. When speaking about the right of Life Sullivan said “that should never be destroyed”(Doc. B) because a person’s life should never be taken away by someone else. It is important that the government protects it’s citizens and the safety of the people should be the most important thing to the