Declutting Research Paper

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For some people, the thought of decluttering is enough to make them break out in hives. For others, decluttering may seem like a bunch of fun and a huge relief for their inner neat freak. No matter what side on the spectrum you 're on, it is totally possible to declutter your closet. Additionally, it 's possible to do it easily and without stress. As long as you focus on these five easy steps, you 'll be able to enjoy a clean and clear closet. 1. Map out plan. Take a look at your closet and be realistic about what you want and need. Know that you want a decluttered closet. With this knowledge, it 's important to be resilient and honest with yourself regarding what you need to do. If you have too many clothes in the closet, it 's important to purge and get rid of clothes. Make a plan regarding how long it will take you to declutter. Whether it takes you a day or it takes you an entire …show more content…

4. Decide what gets donated. Be honest about what you do wear on a regular basis and what you don 't wear. If you haven 't worn it within six months to a year, get rid of it. There 's no real need to hold on. Consider holding on to one or two pieces for hope but everything else that doesn 't fit must go. Consider giving the old clothing to a local charity, church or thrift store. Depending on how much you donate, you can potentially mark it down as a tax-deductible donation. 5. Execute until completed. The hardest part about decluttering the closet is decluttering the closet. There 's no way around it. Once you get through these four steps, it 's important to continue working on the closet to get it organized and clean again. After one large overhaul, the rest involves daily maintenance. Getting nice hangers or color-coding your closet can help you feel more excited about the final product. However, it 's vital to work on it until it 's done. If it helps, focus on doing one pile an hour or one pile a day. Once you tackle one pile, move on to the next. You 'll be