Define True Justice

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The idea of justice has attempted to be portrayed in many ways in the modern world. However, what is true justice? How can it be obtained? These questions would have different answers depending on who you would ask. From my perspective the ways to obtain true justice is to first give every human being an equal chance to succeed in life and secondly for every human to be equal in the eyes of society no matter the gender race religion or skin color.

Giving everyone an equal outlook of succeeding would be primordial in order to achieve the goal of justice. Unfortunately in our world today some people have to deal with horrible conditions that affect their chances of success. The first step to revoke this despiteful injustice is to have additional …show more content…

A woman earns 80 cents of every dollar a man makes. It doesn't seem that discriminatory but when you add up the numbers in 2014, the median income for men who worked full-time was $50,383. For women, it was $39,621. That $10,762 disparity works out to $897 a month. This amount of money could be helpful in providing payment for rent, food, clothes,repairs or other emergencies and even for their children. Some might say that this is logical give that it is the men's duty to provide financial income to the family however did you know that in the U.S only there is about 10 million single mothers. An additional example of discrimination is within the black community, In 2010 the U.S. Sentencing Commission reported that African Americans receive 10% longer sentences than whites through the federal system for the same crimes. One more example of discrimination would be around the latino community, Hispanic females earn roughly 54 cents for every dollar earned by a white, non-Hispanic male, which accounts for a loss of almost $24,000 in a year’s time. In order to achieve true justice it is critical to end every form of