Definition Essay About Bullying

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What’s the Point?

There’s a question we ask ourselves about bullying: What’s the point? When a person commits suicide, does it bring comfort and satisfaction to bullies? Too many people have committed suicide because of bullying. My dream is to live in a world, free of judgement. There’s many quotes out there about being yourself. Clearly, being yourself in this world is never good enough. This world contains monsters, not the kind under your bed or in your closet. They’re everywhere. Bullies are people who pick on people for being themselves. Society wants people who won’t pretend to be someone their not, yet when society got what it wanted, society treated those people like trash. Until the world is free of judgement, bullying will never end. You can’t ignore the monster society has created. It’s been proven too many times by suicide. Why can’t we all just be ourselves and accept each other? …show more content…

In the LA Times articles, Brad Lewis, the victim’s father, states, “This bullying has to stop. People have to stop treating other people the way they do. Because some people just don’t have the strength to overcome the humiliation, the continuation of being picked on constantly every day to the point that they have no out.” Enforcing rules into school will help, but it won’t put a permanent solution in place. For an example, the rules may stop Jimmy from beating up John, however that doesn’t mean Jimmy won’t talk about the way John looks behind John’s back. No one can truly understand why bullies do what they do. We watch all these anti-bullying videos, but it only reminds us of what’s happened to ourselves or others around us. These videos don’t affect bullies, it affects victims. Bullies are blind when it comes to seeing the wrong they have