Definition Essay About Love

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The Perception of Love- such a powerful word, it can release a tense power that overwhelms the human body. It’s so powerful it can take over one’s soul, it mixes the creation and notion with ancestral ideology. The contact between sexes creates a forceful power, through their desire to become one, their desire to know each other inside and out, or ultimately the concept of having feelings for one. Love could possibly be one of the most desirable feeling one could get. Most humans grow up watching their parents live a love fulfilled life, wanting to duplicate what they have. The question I have, is there an urge greater than love? Is there something else besides love that can free them from stress, or just astound humans? Romanticism is a cultural aspect that many get taught about or many experience for themselves. It’s one of those basic stepping stones to an American Dream. The perception of love can exemplify a happy …show more content…

As one experiences love it can truly be overwhelming or it can be the best feeling of your life. Nobody really knows why it’s such a powerful thing, but it allows you to spend your life with someone you truly love. Quite frankly, a lot of us experience feelings for a certain person, but then it disappears after a couple of weeks. Eternal love on the other hand will give someone the ultimate feeling for someone. This is when an individual truly controls your words, or controls yourself. They can tell if your happy or if you are mad, it’s such a powerful force. The perception of love can be separated into two different ideas which is, individuality and exclusivity. Individuality focuses more on self-centered perception, while exclusivity illustrates an individual who wants to chase the pursuits of someone else. Exclusivity is very important in love because this is when one commits to another individual. Through a happy and distressed love life a relationship must hold exclusivity to a high