Definition Essay On Child Bullying

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Definition Child Bullying can be defined as the use of one’s abilities in a negative way to control a person. Now this is the simplest definition for child bullying. Now if we start discussing the key terms in this definition.
Abilities: Force, threat, intimidate are the different ways one uses
Negative: To dominate, to hurt others
Control: Dominate
Person: Children

All these terms are referring to a situation where people are threatened by others there may be many causes of that or there might be none. A bully can be a class fellow or a student. When people are forced unjustly that is what bullying is about.

The report focuses on the causes and effects of child bullying.We have accentuated its different factors.The main purpose is to …show more content…

They should never be scared of walking in the halls and playground just because of some the children who are making their lives miserable. It is very difficult for the children to come out of the school drama or leave it behind in the school. With the rise of internet use the children and attacking some aspect of their personality that make them stand out. The feeling of powerlessness come mostly from the home. The child might have to face problems at home and they cannot do anything at home their point is not given importance or they cannot anything. They feel like they have no power. For some kids it might be a situation a lot of fighting in home , a close family member facing issue of drug addiction , parents getting divouce

log in to their social media accounts to check what is posted today about their fellow friends and then they make fun of each and everything.
People are aware that bullying hurt everyone and it is very difficult for the children to come out of the drama. So why shouldn’t parents teachers root cause of such a attitude, what kind of students are bullying other and why they feel the need to bully others. While there is no reason to torment of harass any human being but still bullies have some that lead them to this behavior.


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