Definition Essay On Courage

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The textbook defines courage as the ability to step forward through fear. According to the dictionary courage is the quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty, danger, pain, etc., without fear; bravery. It is also fighting for valued outcomes that benefit the whole. In other words, courage is doing what you believe is right, even when it goes against the status quo and possibly opens up to failure and personal sacrifice. A leader can find the courage to step through fear and confusion to act despite the risks involved several different ways. The first way is by believing in a higher purpose or committing to causes they believe in. Once again courage is having the power or quality of dealing with or facing danger, fear, pain, etc. I personally think that having courage is evident especially when one fight for something they really believe in. Leaders who have a strong emotional commitment to a larger vision or purpose find the courage to step through fear. The second way is by drawing strength from others. I believe connecting with others is one most important thing we can do for our happiness. Anyone who genuinely cares about the people they are connected with will take risks to help those people grow and succeed. I honestly …show more content…

I have been put in many situations that caused me to become anger which in turn made me to forget about the fear of failure, embarrassment and what others were thinking about me. Sometime anger can become a major driving force especially if you are the one driving and not the other way around. Anger is a normal emotion with a wide range of intensity, from mild irritation and frustration to rage. It is a reaction to a perceived threat to ourselves, our loved ones, our property, our self-image, or some part of our identity. Anger is a warning bell that tells us that something is wrong. In some cases leaders can harness their anger to deal with difficult