Definition Essay On Dedication

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The New Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary defines the word Success as “favorable or desired outcome; also: the attainment of wealth, favor, or eminence; however, I believe the word success is much more in depth and involves dedication, learning from mistakes, and teaching.
There are many layers to success that can be obtained, but none would be attainable without dedication. When progressing through life there will be situations your plans will be knocked off course. From the moment you write down goals, to the time when begin the development of your plan and milestones, dedication towards both of these will keep you moving forward. Often, people find themselves not progressing towards their goals as swiftly as anticipated and deem themselves as failing; however, those with true dedication will find themselves persevering through these obstacles easier. …show more content…

However, whatever the meaning, along the way to a person will require dedication as previously discussed. This dedication will allow you to push through and learn from mistakes. Mistakes are often misunderstood. The road to success will never be an evenly paved road nor a joy ride. It will be riddled with bad decisions and mistakes that all have teaching points. In my opinion mistakes teach more that achievements. An example of this is putting your hand on a hot stove. This is a mistake indeed, even if you did not know it was hot or if you did not know what heat was(a baby). However, when burned I can assure you that same person will not willingly grab a stovetop without testing it prior from that point forward. This simple, but powerful lesson can be carried over into life. On the road to success there will be mistakes, but learning from them will push you towards your goals and ultimately towards your success. The inability to learn from mistakes will very quickly derail