Definition Essay On Happiness

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All human beings are looking for happiness. Happiness is the thing that makes the world good, in peace, and it is the emotion that is the best one yet. However, all people do not experience happiness alike. Some are more prone to happiness than others, as they more positively interpret their experiences and interactions. Happiness is an encouraging feeling, which is caused by many effects.
Having healthy behavior is one of the effects of being happy. Happy people are relatively more energetic and more involved in a variety of social, recreational, occupational, and physical activities. They are less likely to engage in a variety of harmful and unhealthy behaviors including smoking, unhealthy eating, and abuse of drugs and alcohol. Engaging in more health-promoting behaviors, happier people may lengthen their life expectancy. According to Daisy Coyle’s article, “How Being Happy Makes You Healthier,” she states, “Higher positive well-being was found to have a favorable effect on survival, reducing the risk of death by 18% in healthy people and by 2% in those with pre-existing disease” (Web). This is …show more content…

People with high self-esteem can recognize their good qualities, belief in themselves and their actions. They are able to attract others towards them with their positive attitude and personality. Also, they have a sense of control and direction, and approach problems with a different perspective. According to Christopher J. Mruk in his book, “Self-Esteem Research, Theory, and Practice,” he writes, “A personal judgment of worthiness that indicates the extent to which the individual believes himself to be capable, significant, successful, and worthy”(392). This means having self-confidence on yourself is to be worthy and significant. Since you respect yourself as a person, you are generally striving for a successful life. In the end, happy people are characterized by high personal confidence and