Hope In Shane J. Lope's The Psychology Of Hope

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Born in pandora’s box, raised among humans’ hearts and will continue its immortality around the world. The concept of life: Hope. Hope is a concept that has not been commonly used but commonly “felt” by people. It has been the topic for myths, tales, stories since the very early times of the humanity. Represented as a butterfly, showed as the bridge between the God and human. As can be understood, it has a significant importance in our lives. However, not all the people agree with this conclusion. While Shane J. Lope, a scientist and famous researcher of hope, claims that “we can’t live without hope”, Patrick Henry, a politician and American attorney expresses it as a “harmful illusion”. Some of them believe the power of it and some of them claim that it doesn’t even …show more content…

“When I first met with my granddaughter, I wanted to give her a gift. Not like usual stuff, but something she could use for the rest of her life, so I decided to give her a hope. When the others lose their usefulness, she still would have hope” tells us C. R. Synder, author of The Psychology of Hope. As we can basically understand from this quote, when everything breaks down and disappears, hope remains still. Even Francis Bacon, who denies and defends the antithesis of concept hope, affirms that hope has an “enormous power to seduce us”. Imagine, if a concept is highly effectible, has that much power and takes an important part in the world, and plays an important role in our lives, how can it be not-existed? Even hope seems like it is an abstract perception, even it cannot be hold by hand, seem by eyes and heard by ears, hope is real, does exist in the world and has tangible effects. Think, if something is not available, how can it be used for more than five hundred years? According to the Google Ngram, the word “hope” has a usage starting from the early 15th century, which means that many