Definition Essay On Identity

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My definition of identity is how the people act on a regular how people place them self; how people are placed in the world. What makes people who they are. Identity is created through what the person is exposed to from young to old, no difference, what they like and don’t like, what they allow into their lives and what they keep out. It is developed through people’s personal opinions of what they are exposed too. Others can affect a person's identity by adding their personal opinions and lifestyles to another's current lifestyle.

My first interviewee,my cousin,Dami Babatunde,said, “So I guess the answer to your question would be how a person sees themselves…” she continued to say, “Characteristics that a person would use to define who they are for example like I could say I’m an African…” Her definition of identity makes me think that identity is more a more first person type view instead of how the world sees you. My elder brother, Yemi Afolabi, said “Identity is who you are, what you identify yourself as. What you think you are and know, it answers the basic question of ‘What am I ?’” Yemi’s idea made me look deeper into identity, made me think it what's in oneself than what the world thinks of you. …show more content…

When asked the question she answered “How you associate and relate to others around you and your peers.” Dami’s idea adds something new to what I had,I never thought about it as the way you act around people, I saw it as more of how you what you exposed too. Afolabi said that identity is established and developed, in a word, through exposure. He says “Identity is established and developed through your experiences what you exposed to what you see, what you hear...So things you're exposed to like family, friends, music.” Afolabi’s statements are agreeing with mine we both think that Identity is set and progress by thing you are exposed