Definition Essay On Identity Theft

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Definition of Identity Theft:
Until today we do not have a definition that tells us what an identity theft “exactly” is but we can define it in general as: stealing or tricking people to give their information to use it and pretend you are that person and perform actions or transaction under their names [1].
Of course there are a lot of reasons to steal someone identity some of them just for fun, revenge and some of them are a way to get money to buy things and a lot more reasons. If you think that identity theft is just started these days then you are probably not familiar with the term dumpster diving that exists before the technology. It is basically people diving into the dumpster hoping to get some personal information about us through the stuff that we throw without thinking that it could be used to harm us like bills, document or any paper that contains information that they can use to be someone else [2]. …show more content…

Well there are some reasons for that maybe because Internet made the progress of stealing information easier and faster, or maybe because today’s consequences of such an act are more harmful and dangerous for example we can ruin some Politian’s reputation which will effect him or her job, or for example buying drugs under the name of another person in some countries today is more dangerous than the past when buying drugs wasn’t a big deal.
Now after defining the term of identity theft you might ask yourself when can I call such an act as identity theft if I am getting in danger or anytime that some pretend to be me? To answer your question you have a lot of laws to relay on one of them is Federal Identity Theft and Assumption Deterrence Act of 1998, which is the Act the defines the identity theft in