Definition Essay On Interest

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PERSONAL INTEREST Interest has many meanings in everyday usage (Benedict, 2001; Savickas, 1999; Spacks, 1995), many of them too vague. There are many meanings of interest that are used in our everyday lives. When someone talks of a thing they like, they’re interested in it. Interesting can also be used as sarcasm when someone is bored of the topic at hand or it could be used as a word you say when you don’t know what else to say and was trying to be polite. Moreover, interest is also used when a person wants or cares about something—for example, “I’m not interested in doing nothing today”—which meant that the person wants to do something productive for the day. Interest is also a synonym for liking something, being curious about something and giving it utmost importance and attention. The word interest is also used in economics, but that is a different altogether. Izard (1977) said that “At the experiential level interest... is the feeling of being engaged, caught-up, fascinated, curious. There is a feeling of wanting to investigate, become involved, or extend or expand the self by incorporating new information and having new experiences with the person or object that has stimulated the interest.” This explanation of interest is important because it meant that when a person finds a subject or …show more content…

The most common answers are a teacher, an astronaut, a doctor, a nurse, a chef, a steward/ess, to name a few. No one answers that they want to be a CEO someday, or an accountant or an office worker. As they grow up, that’s when they are introduced to the different jobs they can take aside from the common ones they learned as a kid. But there are some of those who have carried their dream and passion as they grew. Those who have always aspire to be a teacher or a doctor. Those who have stayed determined until the end. Those who have always known what they were supposed to