
Definition Essay On Love Prejudice

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Remember in high school when there were all the little cliques, and drama between them was seemingly always starting? Drama probably started because one friend told another friend about an event that happened with a person in another clique. The entire clique probably believed that friend with little to no evidence. This would be because the clique has a love prejudice for their friend. Love prejudice is, as Gordon Allport explained in “The Nature of Prejudice” “thinking well of others, through love, more than what is right” (139) In other words, love prejudice is holding up an institution due to a love for them, although there may be little to no evidence to support. Every person has a love prejudice for some institution; my love prejudice is for my significant other. Especially when he tells me he has taken care of an issue, even if I have no proof that he has done so. However, this has some drawbacks along with some benefits. …show more content…

One type is the love a person has for their parents, yet this is different than the love for a sibling. Another type of love is the love a person has for one of their friends, which is different than a love for a significant other. A love for a niece or nephew is different than the love for an aunt or uncle. Furthermore, love for an object is still a different love than for the aforementioned subjects, and for a certain place. Some of these loves can cause a love prejudice; in fact, many of the mentioned types of love can become a love

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