
Definition Essay On Meaning

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Everyone is put on this earth for a reason. We may not know what those reasons are right away, but the feeling that we are here for a greater reason is what drives us to continue to get up each and every day. That feeling is the beginning stages of our individual search or journey to find our meaning. No one journey is the same. The things we choose to do each and every day of our lives are the things that lead us to the discovery of what our meaning in life is. When you look the word, meaning, up in the dictionary you see that it has two definitions. The first definition is “what is intended to be, or actually is, expressed or indicated; signification; import”. The second definition is “the end, purpose, or significance of something”. The meaning in our lives is our purpose it …show more content…

You can see people who are happy with their lives and with what they are doing as they often times have smiles on their faces and go the extra mile for others. You also encounter those who it is apparent are not happy with the way things going on around them. The difference many times between the two types of people is their perception of life. When talking to people you can quickly get a sense of who feels that they are fulfilling a purpose in their lives and feel that they have meaning and those who do not. Those who are happy are experiencing positive affect in their lives as they are actively participating in activities and are able to find pleasure and joy as a result. These people tend to show satisfaction as they are making progress toward their identified goals. Those who are not happy are experiencing a negative affect which may take the shape of stress, fear or anger. These people are disappointed and dissatisfied with the direction that they feel that their lives have taken. Loss of control and unhappy are also words that can describe people who have negative affect. (Isik & Uzbe,

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