Definition Essay On Stress Among College Students

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The definition of stress, according to the non-specific response of the body to any demand for change. With that definition in mind it leads to the last question of our study analyzing if college students feel stressed all the time, occasionally, or not at all and why. So our group asks the question the on our survey for the University of Dubuque students Do you feel stressed? (General, often, ever) and why you are stressed. The participating students of 64 students it was separated between male and female. We had 31 females and 33 males who participated. Out of the 31 girls who participated, 30 of them marked down that they were stressed general, often, sometimes, or sporadic. Majority of the female students who said they were stressed had reasons consisting of balancing sports, school, and work. While others would say depending on what's going on that week, a lot of homework assignment, or just simply a lot going on. There was one student’s answer that stood out to us for why they are stressed is "I don't enough money to pay rent, so I have asked my parents, but they …show more content…

Out of 33 guys that were surveyed 27 of them said that they are stressed. The common reason that kept appearing was balancing school, work, and sports or a lot of homework. There were three that we found interesting to highlight on. The first reason for stress that stood out to us is "Yes, I am a 20-year-old Assistant Pastor/Youth Minister". The second reason for stress that stood out to us is "Yes because I am alone here and abroad." The third reason for stress that stood out to me was "Yes, my anxiety challenges me daily. This involves practice with self-management." The rest of the survey said that they were not feeling stressed at all saying that they can have great time management balancing everything. One person that wrote no stress "not really this is how real life is after college" that answer stood out to