
Definition Essay On What Is Normal

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The definition for normal is “conforming to a standard; usual, typical, or expected.” Who’s standard? Societies? What is typical? This is a very hard question to answer because everyone’s “normal” is different. I believe that everyone, everywhere has a little something different about them but who are we to judge and decide what is “normal” and “abnormal”? The reading started off with a short story about Johanne and all of her thoughts. I will admit I thought this was kind of strange but that’s because I didn’t know the story behind it. It made total sense after learning she was from Haiti and what she was going through. That is the way most people view things I think. If there is a good reason to have strange thoughts or actions such as Johanne, then it isn’t so “abnormal”

Mental health is a person’s psychological well-being and mental illness is when a person may have mental disorders that may affect their mood, thinking or behavior. An example would be depression. …show more content…

Everyone is different and like you said, everyone has their own way dealing with things. Me for example, when I am stressed or having a bad day I like to surround myself with friends and listen to loud music. It is just a way for me to calm down and to stop thinking about whatever it is that is that 's bothering me. I know some people who like to be alone when they are having a bad day. I know people who take medication to calm down and stop stressing. I know people who like to go to the gym and deal with it that way. I don 't think it is fair for any certain person to decide what normal is. In my case I don 't care what society thinks is normal. I am my own individual and I will do as I please. This is just a very tough question to answer. There is something wrong with every person in this world. We are not perfect and we make mistakes but who should have the right to tell us what is and isn 't

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