
Definition Essay: She Is A Storm

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Jamie Xayachack
Mr. Jordan
AP English 3
2 October 2014
She Is A Storm My first experience with a thunderstorm holds a valuable and sentimental moment in my life. There were dark clouds in the sky, never-ending rain that flooded the ground, howling winds, and earth-shattering thunder that made me sink into a state of terror to the point where I hid under my bed. My mother immediately told me not to hide from such a thing, because I had nothing to be afraid of. She then continued to comparing me to the thunderstorm in which I was a storm that didn’t need to be afraid of who I was. I was too young to comprehend the message that she was attempting to get through to me, but now I finally understand her reason for doing so. Women have dealt with …show more content…

For instance, the definition that women are given in Merriam-Webster’s dictionary define women as “a wife, a mother, a lover, a mistress, or a girlfriend”. These classifications that are labeled towards women are results from the stereotypes accumulated from the general public. Women are capable of expressing themselves solely on their individual traits, but the main thing that seems to define women are the relations in her life. Relationships developed within a woman’s life are attributes to the labels given to them, however they shouldn’t define a woman’s purpose in this world. My mother has been divorced for a while, but is always assumed to be married because of the fact that she had four kids. Women who are married are often guessed to be mothers due to the fact that they are involved in a legitimate relationship. The immediate …show more content…

What tends to be focused on these days in the media are ways for women to achieve what ultimately adheres to the idealistic appearance and definition of a woman. What deserves to have more light shed upon are the valuable traits that encompass an achieved woman. Having beautiful shiny hair, perfect teeth, and beautiful skin as well as being ten pounds lighter are great if it will boost your sense confidence. Although, the most important thing to understand is that women shouldn’t surrender to these burdens that supposedly define what a woman should consist of. In any department or grocery store, no person could dismiss the fact that women’s magazines revolve around improving the outer appearance of a woman. In WomensHealth magazine you would most likely see that the main topic of the article to be “how to lose 10 pounds in 1 week”. In another magazine such as TeenVogue, you would see one of the trending topics to be “ways to look like a model”. In Cosmopolitans magazine, one of the many explicit topics would be “tips for achieving the ultimate bombshell look”. These magazines are only a few examples of a huge element incorporated in the everyday life of a woman that enforce ways for a women to embody the “ideal” components of the generalized woman. Music, entertainment, and social media these days

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