Definition Essay: The Identity As A Parent

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We as human beings, love control and order, some more than others, but in the end, we like to understand what is around us and where we fit in. So much that we create categories and labels, yet those categories and labels don’t define who we fully are, but only a small part that makes us, us.
An example, may be the word “doctor.” When you read that word, what popped up in your mind? You probably pictured your own physician or your child’s. I can guarantee that you probably didn’t picture the same person that your neighbor would when reading this word, yet I guarantee that they both have these things in common: a person with a white lab coat and stethoscope around their neck. If you saw a person who was a doctor walking down the same street …show more content…

Just like the identity “doctor,” the identity “parent” is one we add. Like your parents you weren’t born with the identity of being someone else’s caretaker and caregiver. This is an identity we choose to become, just like our parents chose to. We choose to create this individual and take care of them. See being a parent is an identity, once you have a child, you take on the identity of being a parent like millions of other individuals. Now what makes you unique from all other parents is that you are your child’s parent. There is no other child out there that is them, even if you had another child the journey of being a parent wouldn’t be the same. So, thanks to them your journeys through parenthood are uniquely …show more content…

In the other person’s perspective, being that child’s parent is already your biggest identity. Maybe even you have identified someone else’s parent as “the child’s name” mom or dad in your mind, yet you know that even though that’s how you know them, you know that there is more to them.
Another identity that we can choose to add is one based on our food choices. For example, two that have been popular these couple of years are being a vegetarian or being a vegan. These past few years, these identities have been more known, whereas before people didn’t express what their eating habits were. They just ordered an item off a menu that they would enjoy; where now there are even restaurants that brand themselves as vegan restaurant and vegetarian restaurants. That cater to these individuals that identify themselves as vegetarians or