Definition Essay: The Role Of Fear In Our World

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What is fear? Fear is the great barrier to human growth. The voice inside your head that screams for you to turn away when you are frightened. The emotion that conquers us all, when it is what we must all conquer. “Conquer or be conquered” they say, but just how easy is it to get over one simple fear? Not very easy. The world we live in is filled with wonders and mysteries that still remain undiscovered. It’s filled with cowardly people hiding behind the act of fear mongering in order to remain in control. It’s filled with politics, news, businesses, and most importantly, it’s filled with too many internet users. Political, religious and cultural scaremongering is largely permeating all over the world, corrupting minds of all ages. Fear mongering could be considered a good tactic to remain in control, but there are assuredly other ways to achieve the task at hand. Be that as it may, I certainly don’t suggest that any of …show more content…

Fear is typically made up of autonomic responses, actions executed by the brain unconsciously, that cause humans to either run, hide, fight and/or freeze in their tracks. Sure scaremongering can work for powerful figures, but there is a risk of people losing their fear and striking against them, spiteing in rebellions, wars, court cases and much more. Fear mongering mainly takes place through the grand use of the internet. People like lawyers, politicians, and reporters can take advantage of their public’s uneasiness, because according to them, your fear is worth billions. A large portion of the world has access to the internet, in turn, many internet users are very easily corrupted by marketers, reporters, politicians and typically anyone that can cause fear and manipulate the public (Source A). In contrast, it is incredible how scared people are, when during recent years it has been concluded that since 2016 it has been one of the safest times in human history (Source