James Allen Fox Fueling A Contagion Of Campus Summary

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In the article “Fueling a Contagion of Campus Bloodshed” by James Allen Fox, Fox argues that the response of both school administrators and the media can hurt more than help to prevent gun violence. Fox believes that the more we think and fear the more likely we make something happen. The media as described by Fox uses words that can be interpreted as an achievement or challenge to others wishing to do the same exact thing. Fox also explains how the school themselves are also at fault. Fox states that school administrators are putting much more focus on safety rather than education. He talks about how schools spend most of the money designed for education on safety procedures. He explains how these over the top safety measures make …show more content…

Aside from that Fox targets the safety procedures that the school has in place such as the right to carry and profiling students can do more harm than good in the goal of trying to provide a safe environment. I agree with James Allen Fox that the media and school response to shootings can have a negative impact because whenever I hear about these shootings I see the fear in the people around me and the chain reaction that occurs because of it. My experience shows just how much power our fear holds, the more we think and worry over something the more influence we have on the situation. Throughout the course of my life I have heard countless tales about school shootings from both people close to me as well as news stories. For example, in 2002 in Gardena High School while my sister was in high school a shooting occurred, two students were shot by another student during an attempted robbery while thankfully it was not a big scene but more of an isolated incident the shock and fear is all the same. My sister recalled the day of the shooting “They had us on …show more content…

People who intend to cause harm feed off on the panic they cause. Fox argues that the media and the administration have a huge impact in the way people process these events. From the amount of information, they give not only after but during these events lead people into either doing something similar to try and claim their 15 minutes of fame or cause people to panic every second of every day in fear of when it will happen to them and the cycle continues again and again. When people are locked in a room scared and looking at the news to try and make sense of what is happening it can make things worse due to the inaccurate information the media has at times and it adds to the fear you already have of being locked in a room waiting for something to happen. This builds and builds until everyone is panicking and it leads to people getting hurt. I strongly believe that something needs to be done about the way the media and schools handle these events, stop giving attention to the perpetrators and focus on finding the perfect balance between giving people necessary information and endangering their