When you think of success what comes to mind? In sports it’s making it to the pros. In business it’s making your first million. In high school it can be as simple as acing that test you studied for all night. No matter what profession you are in, success is the desired goal.
Those who achieve success do in fact work hard; however, there are also countless other factors that play a role in one’s success. Therefore, reading this book opened by eyes to the complexity of success. It is not simply one thing that can lead a person to success. Instead, it is a culmination of many factors that can allow a person to have a successful
Did you know what? Everyone can be success. Of course, you have already known that. But why this world is in, there are so many people choose to be failure instead of success. This is just the matter of human’s mind setting.
People have different views on what success really means. Some say success is based on money or fame. If you have a lot of money or fame you're "definitely" successful. Others say success is based on your fulfillment and overall happiness in your life. Alfred Brooks, the protagonist in the novel
So why isn’t everyone successful? Some believe that success is only a matter of will and only a person can decide if they want to become successful or not. This is not true; a person’s background ultimately
Success, after all, is what most human beings are striving for in their life, whether it is a successful marriage, successful business, successful family and their success in overall happiness. Cardone showed that there is no scarcity when it comes to success, that I cannot let others success limit the boundaries of the success I want. “Success is not a lottery, bingo, a horse race or a card game that allows for only one winner” (Cardone 58). That if I want success, I need to realize that success is created and not won. It truly has no limits and I can have as much as I want.
Learning to become successful is different for everyone, even you are famous are not. The book “The Outliers” by Malcom Gladwell will be “good news” for anyone to read, even if they are average. The book shows how people got famous people get successful in life. Achieving successful is based on three factors: ethnicity, luck and timing. Being born in different backgrounds means different ways of gaining success.
What is success? We all want to be successful, but what does it mean? To a child, success may mean not getting into trouble at school. To a student, success means getting an A on a test. For a dance team, it may mean winning a competition.
I believe success is one of those terms that has multiple means and to every person asked, a different answer is received. While some people would base being successful in life off of how much money one makes, I would consider myself successful in life if I graduate from college, have a loving family and a steady job. To me success can be defined as achieving a goal that I have previously set and having a result come from various efforts to achieve that goal. I also believe the real outcome of being successful is happiness. There is short term success which adds up repeatedly and eventually becomes long term success.
What does it mean to be Successful? Success can mean many things to many different people. Being successful means to reach all of the goals that are set ahead. Every person is different, and that means that each person sees success differently. To some people being successful could be as simple as getting out of bed or getting to work on time.
What is success to me,bascicly its living life to the fullest and not having to struggle. Now im not saying you have to be fameus,drive nice cars ,and live in a big mansion. Success can be living average too,having just enough in life to make you happy. Having a nine-to-five to benefit your needs and wants. Success is more then money,its about how you feel about life.
What does success mean to mean to me? It means doing things that will help you in life. I also think success mean to make you a better person. Being successful can be looked upon in many different ways, such as being rich, having nice car, good job, or anything to make someone else jealous of what you have. Being successful to me means you accomplished what your goal or goals were.
What does success mean to me? It means accomplishing things in life and reaching your goals. Everyone has a different view of what success actually is. Success also means setting a goal and reaching it in a time frame you set for yourself. For example I believe finishing college and gaining a career in a field you love is being successful because it is a goal that can be achieved.
Being successful is not the result of having a lot of money. In order to be happy, being successful in your heart will make you successful in the outer world—to appreciate what you have because not everybody has
How to Achieve Success The term of success appears frequently in public notice and it spurs extensive interests in public. Everybody wants to achieve success, but the fact is that not everyone can make it even though he or she has tried his or her best. Then it comes to a question - how to make it? Does it depend on opportunity or any other features?