
Definition Of Courage Essay

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Name: Au Nguyen Professor: Hope Dammon ENGL 1301.01 MWF 9 – 9:50 Courage “Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak, courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen”. What’s courage? According to Alyssa Selby is the ability to confront pain, fear, humiliation, or anything else a person would naturally stay away from are courage. Two group are divided: Mental and Physical courage. Mental Courage has encompassed threats, attacks, and discomfort of the mind. Physical Courage is pain, hardship, torture and death. Acts of courage come with big names like Harriet Tubman, Martin Luther King Jr., Joan of Arc or Mother Teresa, etc. Courage has been around for centuries. Showing best on its side in love, life, a situation that required the strength to face up something that normally hard to confront to. According to the Montreal review, courage with such rare act of self-sacrifice for the good of others is courage; But something such as playing a dangerous kind of sports can be also count as being courage. Thus different conception and perception, courage is always related to belief, will, and danger. There is no …show more content…

In the time where people only worry about food, drink, or just try to live days by days, surviving wars or just trying to make a living support their child. Courage is whatever it takes to do the action that’s required to do such things. Courage is something meaningful, something beautiful, and something that’s most of the action started with love or cornered. This is a physical type of courage, the guts to do the thing that needs to be done. Sacrifice is required and attached to this type of courage. Giving up something for someone and have the will and power to do it, takes courage. Courage is more than just a concept, a way of thinking or a word. It is a lifestyle, as living as courage as possible, as giving much to people by having the courage to sacrifice

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