Definition Of Freedom Of Speech In Malaysia

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Fundamental liberty is the basic right that we have as human beings. Besides that, fundamental liberty also had been guaranteed under the federal constitution. According to Federal (2010), freedom of speech in Malaysia is one of the fundamental liberty that guaranteed under the article 10 Malaysia Federal Constitution. Besides that, freedom of speech in Malaysia which mean every citizen have their right to freedom speech and expression, the right of freedom of speech included freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impact information and idea without government interference. Lastly, the citizens in Malaysia cannot simply speak what they want to said because the freedom of speech in Malaysia had been restricted and regulated.
In the constitution Kenya, freedom of speech is under the chapter four which is the bill of rights in part two; right and fundamental freedom. In the article 33, the constitution protects every citizen have their right to freedom of speech, which was included the right of freedom of receive, seek or impart information or ideas, academic freedom, freedom of scientific research and freedom of artistic creativity. In the year 2014, the parliament was passed the Security Laws Amendment Act (SLCC) which is to strengthen the ability of government to struggle terrorism. Kenya National Commission on Human Rights (KNCHR), the political opposition and NGOs, they sued to contest the constitutionality of some SLAA provisions that could have