Essay On Democracy Around The World

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Democracy around the World
Democracy means the way people choose their leaders by voting. Rome is the origin of the democracy, means democracy has a long history. At that era, only few people were able to vote as they wanted because everyone in the country couldn’t gather into one place. Most of the people who were able to vote were from the upper class and only males were considered as citizens because they believed that males had a special place in the society. And because of this reason middle and lower class women were unable to vote. However with the time this system changed and modern ways of voting took place in the world.

The way people choose leaders differ from country to country. Most of the time, the authority holds an election and the whole country vote to their favored candidate. In most of the countries, people nominate their candidate by writing on a paper. But this method wastes time and money …show more content…

Because of this people fought with each other for their rights. But using this newly voting system we can minimize the distance between people and create a harmony in the society.

Evolution of the Voting Machines
Voting, perhaps one of the oldest method of expressing the human rights. Voting systems is a method which voters have to make a choice between their options. Most of the time, this system is used in elections or on policy referendum. At the end votes are counted and use to release the final results.
Voting system has a long history. There are various mechanisms in the voting system such as paper Ballots, Mechanical Lever Machines, Punchards, Marksense etc. However at the present, the wireless electronic voting system has gained a larger attention. This voting method is considered as less flawless one. The wireless electronic voting system reduces the money and also the time cost. Anyhow, apart from this method, we can numerous other voting systems.