Democritus Research Paper

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Democritus was an ancient Greek philosopher, who was known for his influence on modern science more than any other pre-Socratic philosopher. Democritus was known as the “Laughing Philosopher", for his inclination to make fun of fellow citizens for their foolishness. What Democritus left with his legacy has not survived in all of its physicality, but he has been written about by Aristotle, whom found Democritus to be his biggest competitor in the natural sciences, along with a few others. No one knows the exact details of when he was born, but it is estimated to be sometime around 460 BCE in Abdera, Thrace. His father was an aristocrat and received Xerxes the Great, the king of the Persian Achaemenid Empire, as he traveled through Abdera. …show more content…

In compliance, Democritus whiffed freshly baked bread for the three days before she returned and then passed away. There are a few other unverified tales about Democritus in his later life, including that he blinded himself with hot glass to improve his mental faculties, although there are accounts that describe him dissecting animals and wrote he wrote many books which would conflict with his blinding, searching for the 'Philosopher's Stone' or that he lived in caverns. It is presumably true that he favored the withdrawn, meditative life, although it is not proved that he retired to caves. Democritus did gain some fame during the course of his life for giving public speeches. He gave these speeches to make a living and to not have seemed that he wasted all his inheritance on travelling, a crime, in his time, that would have denied his right of burial. During his public lectures he would discussed his findings and actually became rather popular, centered on his predictions of the weather which led people to think that he could predict future events and offered him a position to direct public affairs. He