Democritus Essays

  • Democritus Research Paper

    991 Words  | 4 Pages

    Democritus was born in Abdera, geographical area around 460 before Christ. His precise influences area unit tough to cut loose those of his teacher Leucippus, as they're usually mentioned along in texts. Their theory on atoms, taken from Leucippus, bears a passing and partial similarity to the nineteenth-century understanding of atomic structure that has crystal rectifier some to treat Democritus as additional of an individual than different Greek philosophers; but, their concepts fresh on terribly

  • Democritus On Babylon And Meroe

    349 Words  | 2 Pages

    Democritus Democritus was supposedly born in the city of Abdera, Thrace around 270 B.C. He was born to a noble family of great wealth, therefore, he received a large inheritance. He ended up spending most of his money on travel; he went to Asia and Africa, and was said to have gone as far as India and Ethiopia. We know that he wrote on Babylon and Meroe; he visited Egypt, and some say that he may have lived there for about 5 years. During that time, he became conversant with the Chaldean magi

  • Democritus Research Paper

    1623 Words  | 7 Pages

    Democritus was an ancient Greek philosopher, who was known for his influence on modern science more than any other pre-Socratic philosopher. Democritus was known as the “Laughing Philosopher", for his inclination to make fun of fellow citizens for their foolishness. What Democritus left with his legacy has not survived in all of its physicality, but he has been written about by Aristotle, whom found Democritus to be his biggest competitor in the natural sciences, along with a few others. No one

  • Democritus Research Paper

    835 Words  | 4 Pages

    Democritus was an ancient Greek philosopher, who was known for his influence on modern science more than any other pre-Socratic philosopher. He was also known as the “Laughing Philosopher", for his inclination to mock fellow citizens for their foolishness. What Democritus left with his legacy has not survived in all of its physicality, but he has been written about by Aristotle, whom found Democritus to be his biggest competitor in the natural sciences, along with a few others. No one knows the

  • Democritus Response To Zeno's Arguments Against Motion

    1524 Words  | 7 Pages

    Democritus claims that the universe is composed of indivisible atoms. Does that in itself constitute a response to Zeno’s arguments against motion? Democritus is one of the founders of atomism in the ancient world, along with Leucippus (although not much is known of his works). Most of Democritus’ work survived through Aristotle’s reports. Atomists view the world as made out of indivisible atoms, which could (according to Democritus and Leucippus) come in any shape or size. Democritus argued that

  • How Did Democritus Disagreed With Aristotle

    315 Words  | 2 Pages

    Another Greek intellectual, Democritus, disagreed with Aristotle. He believed that matter could be divided until you reached the smallest particle (which became known as an atom, from the Greek ‘atomos’, meaning indivisible). Aristotle was convincing and did more experiments than Democritus’s so his theory was more widely accepted. People continued to believe Aristotle for the next two thousand years until the Englishman John Dalton (1766 - 1844) came along and disproved his theory in the early

  • How Did Democritus And Leucipis Influence The Development Of An Atom

    984 Words  | 4 Pages

    Democritus and Leucippus “invented” the idea of an atom back in fifth century B.C, with the Greek word ατoμoν (atom) meaning “indivisible” as at that time it was believed atoms could not be broken down into slightly smaller pieces. Over the years our ideas of atoms and atomic structure have changed, with Dalton, Thomson, Rutherford and Bohr all having differing opinions on how an atom is put together. “Billiard Ball Model” For instance, John Dalton believed that atoms are the very small things

  • How Did John Dalton Contribute To The Development Of The Atomic Theory

    323 Words  | 2 Pages

    creating the atomic theory that we know today. Since its creation by Democritus scientist have contributed to the learning of atoms to develop the atomic theory allowing us to know all that we know today. With several scientist working to create and modify the atomic theory, Democritus is credited with the creation atomic theory, being alive around 460 BC -370 BC, he was the first person to theorize the existence of the atom. Democritus theory stated that the universe and all matter obey certain principles

  • Democritus Epistemology

    765 Words  | 4 Pages

    The question of epistemology becomes difficult with Democritus in regards to his ultra-materialist stance. Knowledge is gained by observation which, although he claimed that the hard, unchanging atoms made up objects and provided the possibility for sight, was still unreliable based upon typical and non-typical observers as well as things that change, as in the sea. A way for Democritus to expound on this was that just as the atoms had their own shape and size, hence differing properties; so too

  • 460 BC Democritus

    390 Words  | 2 Pages

    460 BC Democritus. The Greek philosopher Democritus theorised on the existence of atoms. The reasoning behind his theory was that there had to be a point whereby matter could not be broken down any further. The matter remaining at that point is the atom. Democritus’ theories were disregarded by Aristotle and so the it was not until the 18th – 19th centuries that people started to question the structure of matter. 1803 AD John Dalton. The English chemist , Dalton, performed experiments proving

  • Democritus Research Paper

    298 Words  | 2 Pages

    Democritus had been a founding father of the atomic theory which made him an influential figure in the field of science. He was a greek philosopher who had been born around 460 BCE in Abdera, Thrace. He had been a key figure in the production of the atomic theory and was also responsible for the footing of the Epicurean philosophy. Democritus had been born into a wealthy family which allowed him an education. Because of this he was able to study in the fields of medicine, ethics, physics, music

  • Epicureanism And Democritus Philosophy

    2802 Words  | 12 Pages

    Epicureanism, and it was Epicurus of Samos who founded this philosophy. This philosophy was greatly influenced by Democritus’ atomic theory of nature. Epicurus was a practical philosopher who considered philosophy as the medicine of the soul. His philosophy was based on atomistic materialism that emphasizes the human life’s pleasure. Being the follower of Democritus, Epicurus followed Democritus’ view on what the world is composed of. He basically maintained that everything is composed of atoms in empty

  • I Democritus Research Paper

    435 Words  | 2 Pages

    Response: I, Democritus, state that there is motion in the world, due to the fact this is how one can account for the perception of different qualities. There are two realities we must account for: atoms and the void. The properties of the atoms are they are basic, indivisible units that do not come to be or pass away, do not change and are unified. Atoms are infinite in number, come in different shapes and postures, have existed for ever and are all uniform. The atoms are too small to be detected

  • Democritus: The Most Influential Ancient Greek Philosophies

    627 Words  | 3 Pages

    of atom. One of the earliest philosopher that studied Atoms was Democritus. Democritus was very influential Ancient Greek philosopher. He was the one who created the Atomic Theory, but he didn’t create it himself, it was his mentor’s idea, which he made famous. His theory was not accepted, because he didn’t Explain the chemical behaviors, and had no experimental support that was based on the scientific method. Though Democritus was on the right track and got rejected because

  • How Did Democritus Change The World

    514 Words  | 3 Pages

    I am going to achieve this well, I have created a time machine. I will first go to 460 BCE to see Democritus. Why see Democritus? He is known for the origins of the atom theory when that is not the case at all. They use the word adapted a lot when people talking about Democritus. Democritus didn’t adapt he copied someone else's work. His mentor, Leucippus had the exact same theory and Democritus just takes it like it was his. Now, I have an obsession with giving credit to Leucippus. The only

  • Democritus And John Dalton's Role In Combustion

    425 Words  | 2 Pages

    Democritus, a Greek Philosopher: 460 BCE, Developed the idea of atoms Aristotle, a Greek Philosopher: 348 BCE-322 BCE, Stated that matter was continuous – no atoms Robert Boyle, an Anglo-Irish Philosopher: 1627-1691, Created the “Boyle’s Law” (named after himself), which stated that the pressure and volume of a gas have an inverse relationship only if the temperature isn’t or doesn’t change Antoine Lavoisier, a French Chemist: 1743-1794, Identified the elements oxygen and hydrogen, also identified

  • Pre-Ap Chemistry: The Discovery Of The Atum

    874 Words  | 4 Pages

    ancient Greek philosophers around 400 B.C. Many scientific theories and discoveries were major in the discovery of the atom. Democritus is credited to have been the one to predict atoms and John Dalton proved it. In the discovery of atoms, the subatomic particles were found and their charges also, the radioactivity and how the radioactivity of atoms is measured. Democritus was an ancient Greek philosopher. He came to the conclusion that matter was composed of elementary particles called atoms. An

  • Atomic Theory Research Paper

    1675 Words  | 7 Pages

    Development of Atomic Theory According to Democritus, “Nothing exists except atoms and empty space; everything else is opinion.” This conveys the controversy in scientific investigations made in defining a singular molecule. Since 460 BC, atomism has been an alternating concept of chemistry. Several significant scientists have contributed to this field profoundly. The modern development of the atomic theory is based on researches and discoveries of Democritus, John Dalton, J.J. Thomson, Robert Andrews

  • Nt1310 Unit 2 Assignment

    774 Words  | 4 Pages

    is composed of many elements and substances. I also found relations to Democritus, as he was a pluralist, believing in the world being made of more then one part. He understood the world to be created by atoms. My relation of science and math could not help but relate to Pythagoras. His understanding of the world is rooted in numbers; numbers being the nature of all things. 2.

  • St. Thomas Aquinas Research Paper

    1016 Words  | 5 Pages

    Democritus was considered to be one of the Pre-Socratic natural philosophers and theorized with the materialists and the pluralists. He came up with the atomic theory, which is used as the foundation of all creation. He believes that the world is made up an infinite number of indivisible atoms that combine and collide with each other creating many different structures. He suggests that atoms are all different shapes and sizes in influence the senses of the human body. Finally, Democritus states that