Democritus And John Dalton's Role In Combustion

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Democritus, a Greek Philosopher: 460 BCE, Developed the idea of atoms Aristotle, a Greek Philosopher: 348 BCE-322 BCE, Stated that matter was continuous – no atoms Robert Boyle, an Anglo-Irish Philosopher: 1627-1691, Created the “Boyle’s Law” (named after himself), which stated that the pressure and volume of a gas have an inverse relationship only if the temperature isn’t or doesn’t change Antoine Lavoisier, a French Chemist: 1743-1794, Identified the elements oxygen and hydrogen, also identified the role oxygen had in combustion. Help create the metric system John Dalton, an English Chemist: 1766-1844, Created the “Dalton’s Law of Partial Pressures” (named after himself), which stated that the pressure mixture of non-reacting gases exert is equal to the sum of the partial pressures of each individual gas. …show more content…

He also created the terms “catalyst”; a substance that increases the rate of a chemical reaction, “isomer”; molecules with the same chemical formula as other molecules, and “allotropy”; the property that some elements have that allow them to exist in two different forms Dmitri Mendeleev, a Russian Chemist: 1834-1907, he formulated the period table, which he then used to predict the properties of 8 elements yet to be discovered. He also used his version of the periodic table to correct some properties of existing elements Joseph John Thomson, an English Physicist: 1856-1940, researched the cathode ray; streams of electrons observed in vacuum tubes, which led him into discovering the

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