Dependency On Others In To Kill A Mockingbird By Harper Lee

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Dependency On Others
Many people don’t do their job but rely on other people or things to get it done. They become dependent on other things or people that they can’t do their job on their job. In the end, you are really hurting yourself and making the real world harder for you. You become used to others being able to help you all the time but you won’t always have that “one person” there to help you all the time.Examples of this is in Harper Lee’s To Kill A Mockingbird.
In her book, Lee shows Atticus as doing many people’s jobs along with his own. An example of this is when Atticus shoots the dog for officer Heck Tate. While the men were discussing the problem, Atticus’s son and daughter, Scout and Jem, were watching and thought that their father wasn’t the greatest. They were amazed to find out that he could shoot and to get it in one shot. They soon find out after the incident that their father was known as “one shot Finch”. Mr. Tate trusted Atticus with doing his job. “ Mr. Tate almost threw the rifle at Atticus”, “ I would feel, mighty comfortable if you did now”( 96). Heck Tate is the sheriff of Maycomb and depends on Atticus for help. …show more content…

They go with the majority sometimes. In Lee’s book, she shows how people know what’s right but still go with what other people are doing. She shows this by making the jury make Tom Robinson guilty when he really isn’t. She gives evidence why it wasn’t him. She also shows how people can change and go down a different “path“. With a little persuasion, people can go down the right path and not the one everyone else is going down. While they gave good evidence, the jury was locked in their ways. They don’t always do the right thing. “ A court is only as sound as its jury, and only a jury is as sound as the men who make