Depression In The Grapes Of Wrath

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Depression can come in many different forms like childhood depression, manic depression and clinical depression. Will, Marcus, and Fiona all experienced their own different kinds of depression that affected the people around them; although they learned to overcome or suppress them throughout the movie. They all affected each others life’s in a drastic way. Will’s father is the creator of the well known Christmas carol that produced a lot of money before his passing. Will has been living off that money his whole life, which causes him to come across to most people as boring, shallow, and as quoted in the movie, “a self centered bastard.” His life situation makes him go into a kind of manic depression where he only thought of himself. He seems happy on the outside due to his wealthy lifestyle but on the inside he is aching for a meaning to his life. He fills his day with sections of times he calls “units,” where he goes through senseless activities to keep himself busy. This persona rolls off onto the way he treats women and pursues relationships early in the movie. The women in his life never stay too long, he always makes an excuse to part ways with them. He never likes when the women he was with …show more content…

While going to Will’s house one day he was being followed by the school bullies; they start to throw candy at him until he runs into Will’s house. In response Will asks why he allows them to do that to him and why he doesn’t try to avoid it. Marcus says “it happens and I wish it didn’t, it’s just life.” He is referring to his mother and how he can’t do anything about her depression. Will catches that and in an attempt to him happy he buys Marcus new shoes to help him blend in with his peers and stay out of the way of the kids bulling him. His mother didn’t like the idea of that but comes to reason when she sees how much Marcus needed a father