Dermatitis Case Study

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1. Summarize the diagnosis and treatment of dermatitis. Dermatitis is diagnosed by inspection and by compiling a complete history, looking for possible exposure to causative substances. In general, treatment is aimed at avoidance of the contact irritant or allergen, good skin lubrication, preservation of skin moisture, and control of inflammation and itching. Topical agents are often used. Corticosteroids may be used topically, or sometimes orally or by injection to intervene in a severe episode of dermatitis. 2. Identify and describe the two major types of acne. Acne rosacea usually begins between ages 30 and 50 years. It is characterized by erythema (redness), papules, pustules, and telangiectases. It occurs on the face over the cheeks …show more content…

Mild cases usually respond to steroid creams (triamcinolone acetonide), but there is a possibility that eventually the disease will become resistant to steroids. Sunlight in moderate doses can help, because the ultraviolet rays slow down the rate at which epithelial cells are produced. Extremes of UV radiation can have the opposite effect, resulting in an aggravation of the condition. Calcipotriene, a vitamin D analog cream, helps to regulate skin cell production, decreasing the incidence of psoriasis plaques. Tar preparations also act to impede the proliferation of skin cells and have long been used to heal psoriasis lesions. They may be administered in the form of baths, topical applications, or shampoos. Combinations of artificial UV radiation and a coal tar product commonly are prescribed for severe cases. This usually requires hospitalization so that the dosage of each component of therapy can be measure precisely. A form of therapy called PUVA combines application of one of a class of drugs called psoralens, which penetrates the skin, with exposure to ultraviolet light type A (UVA). Antimetabolites have been used to treat severe psoriasis, helping to control the disorder by their antiproliferative action. Methotrexate is the most commonly used antimetabolite for this purpose. Acitretin or cyclosporin is sometimes used. In a phase II …show more content…

There may be only aching or discomfort along the nerve pathway with or without erythema. About 3 to 5 days after onset, small groups of vesicles appear on the skin. They usually are found on the trunk and spread half way around the body, following the nerve pathways leading to the spinal nerve to the skin. The vesicles eventually change from small blisters to scaly lesions and are accompanied by pain and itching. The lesions usually affect only one side of the body or face. The pain of shingles often is quite severe. Pain can persist for several days or weeks after the skin lesions are completely healed. The pain of postherpetic syndrome is not easy to control 5. How can an elderly person avoid fungal infections of the fingers or toes? Older adults are prone to develop fungal infections of the finger nails or toe nails (onychomycosis). Hands and feet should be thoroughly dried after becoming wet, with special attention to drying between the toes after the bath or shower. Nails should be cut straight across without rounding the edges. Wearing clean socks daily helps prevent fungal growth. In the toe nails, the condition may become quite painful. Treatment requires oral antifungal medication daily for several months or topical agents daily for a year or more. 6. What prescriptions drugs are most commonly used and considered most effective against lice and

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