Descartes Cosmological Argument

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The existence of God is a highly debatable topic; the different views of believers, atheists and agnostics, show us that God's Existence remains a question with no definite final answer. Descartes is one of many philosophers who tried to establish a number of arguments in order to prove God's Existence. In fact, the French philosopher formulated the "trademark argument", an argument that he developed and defended in order to prove that God does exist despite the doubt that many have. In the first place, I will start by defining the trademark argument and the procedure Descartes used to attain it including the first principle summarized in the Cartesian method and the theory of ideas which puts God at the origin of the idea of His Existence. Then, I will divide the argument into its main components: the ontological part and the cosmological part; I will explain first how he used the concept of clearness and distinction to show that God is a necessary Being by making a transition from epistemology to ontology. Next, I will explain the cosmological part of Descartes' argument where he used the "causal adequacy principle" and the "preservation argument". Later, I …show more content…

According to Feser, Descartes meant by his argument that God has implanted in us the idea of his own Existence, using a well-structured a priori argument that is an argument derived from well-established premises. In fact, "God's presence in the mind constitutes a kind of divine signature or trademark, and therefore shows that God exists" (Feser). The fact that Descartes has an idea that God has implanted in him represents the signature left by the creator and therefore supports God's Existence. In fact, Descartes managed to show that God's Existence in the Human mind is an innate idea. The French philosopher cleared the ground for a well-defined trademark argument by establishing well-structured