Descartes Vs Marx

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The idea of a perfect society has intrigued philosophers for hundreds of years. Through the different discussions and arguments that have been presented in the writings of Plato, Karl Marx, and Rene Descartes, the question of how to produce happiness has attempted to be addressed. Each philosopher believes that through the construction of each of their utopian societies, a civilization can obtain that happiness as well as perfection of mankind. Although the theories presented by Plato, Marx, and Descartes are ideal, they are unfortunately impossible to completely represent. However, each philosopher conveys several unique ideas that can be used to improve society. The three philosophers each have a different outlook on how to develop a utopia. …show more content…

His views constitute a model for how society should behave in order to form a perfect civilization. From Plato’s teachings we can infer that to establish justice, happiness, and a utopia, we must establish several maxims in our lives including specialization and moderation. Although Plato describes how to live a just and happy life through the metaphorical creation of a city, as opposed to focusing on the individual, he also asserts that justice is the quality of the soul, and a soul can only be pure if temptations are …show more content…

Just as light comes from the sun, so does truth comes from goodness. Goodness as the source of truth makes it possible for the mind to know, just as light from the sun makes the eyes able to see (The Republic (Plato)). In “Plato’s Republic”, many will agree that the majority of humanity strives to be just and to find happiness; however, most do not entirely understand how. This text depicted Socrates’ intake on just versus unjust and the possibility of a near perfect society by the creation of a city to explain his perceptions. Through his views of moderation and specialization, Socrates presents a way to follow his philosophy for making a perfect world. Marx Karl Marx voices his opinion of justice and a utopian society through his book “The Communist Manifesto.” In his book, Marx tries to explain the vision of Communism, as well as the reasons behind his theory. He argues that the struggle between classes, defined by the means of production, is the reason that society is imperfect. The relationship between classes is not compatible due to the emerging dominant class or the bourgeoisie. Due to this supreme division, the proletariat class will oversee a revolution that will destroy all ownership of private property the classification of different levels of society. Marx is in favor of this movement because he believes that capitalism is