
Describe A Sporting Event Analysis

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Journal #3
Using 5 words from lessons 2 and or 3 describe a sporting event. Underline the vocab words. It all took place the year of 2007, when I went to my first ever basketball game. I was about seven or eight years old and my family and I went to the N.J Nets game that currently is called the Brooklyn Nets. When my dad told me the night before, which was Friday, I began to feel jovial. The next day we had slept in and woke up around eleven o’clock to get ready for the game which was at one o’clock. Once we got ready we took off to the arena. I was very quite the whole ride, because at that time I was basically saving my energy for the game so I fell asleep. Eventually when we got there I galvanized. Although it was saturnine outside
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