Describe The Relationship Between Jane And Joe Pittman

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How Miss Jane and Joe Pittman met

One day Miss Jane was out working at the plantation and she saw thing handsome guy go by. Miss Jane did not think anything of the man, so she went back to work. Later that day the same guy rode by on the same horse and he stopped the second time around. She was flattered that he had stop and started talking. His name was Joe Pittman A few months have now passed and they were still talking and becoming better friends everyday they talked. Miss Jane liked horses and saw they Joe had his own. She always told him that it was a beautiful horse and she would love to ride it. Joe told her that he works with horses for a living. Miss Jane realizes that he is great with horses and very talented in what he does with them. …show more content…

The only thing that had changed was their horse racing competitions. They both were getting older and had decided to slow down a little bit. They only quite racing horse, Joe had still been training them. At this time in Joe’s life he had trained just about every horse there was out in the wild, but no, Joe had come across the pure white horse. This horse was something very strange, he had never seen anything like it before. Joe wanted to train this horse because he knew it was going to be difficult. Joe like challenging things. This horse was very dangerous and Miss Jane did not like that horse. Miss Jane had a feeling that Joe was going to get hurt or killed by that horse. Miss Jane was right. Joe died later that day because of that horse. Miss Jane could not believe her husband was dead. She has spent a larger part of her life with him and has had many great memories. She decided to get rid of all of the horses they had together because every time she saw them she would think of Joe and break down and cry. She had a very hard time getting rid of them but she knew it was for the better