Describe Your Career Progression

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There are many core beliefs, however I have found one more profound than others. This belief has carried me through some of the most challenging times throughout my career and schooling. I believe failure is not an option, the only option is to try harder, do better, to guarantee a better future. During my first year in community college, I came across the absolute hardest decision of my life, I chose to become a mom at 19 years old. As I soon realized, with the glare of my mother and a disapproving father, they believed to have a child so young sealed my fate. They probably thought I would never return to school and work a minimum wage job the rest of my life. This is when I first began believing failure is not an option, I must work harder and do better to prove to my parents I will have a better future for my son and me. As my beliefs were tested as I transitioned from college to home at five months pregnant, needing to find a full-time job so I could afford becoming a mother. I was consistently rejected during my job search, until I was approximately seven months pregnant. I began working the overnight shift, taking care of the mentally handicapped. This career …show more content…

In the meantime, while I was working as a certified nurse assistant, I triggered the call bell for assistance, but nobody came to my aide, therefore I decided to change the bed myself, on a fully dependent patient. Shortly thereafter, I realized an excruciating pain in my shoulder, I had torn my rotator cuff. This unfortunate event changed my entire career path, no nursing school for me. Nothing was going to prevent me from progressing my education, I may not have gone to nursing school, but I went back to business school. In this case, I was still trying to guarantee a better future, a better career, and one that I could do without being in constant