Norwegian Forest Cat Wegie Character Analysis

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Vital Stats:
Living life: from 12 to 16 years

The friendly and friendly Norwegian Forest Cat-Wegie, which mind your family members, but does not require constant attention and love. She is happy to be in the same room with people and loves her if no one is at home. Although he values a team of people, he may be a bit of a visitor. Even in the family, he does not have a lot of cats, but always is a welcome surgeon between the ears or under the mouth, and he usually responds to a nice buttocks on the head or cheek. He talks about classical oppression in Scandinavia. His silent voice is used only when he may need something to dine for, and only if he is ignored.

Not surprisingly, big and strong cats are climbers. You often find him …show more content…

The head is inverted in a triangle, indicated on the chin, and then extends from both sides to the middle to the large ears that are heavy on the surface. Large almond shapes are green, golden or bronze, although white cats may have blue eyes or strange eyes (blue eyes and one eye of different colors). The medium-long body looks sturdy, with a wide chest and heavy muscular thigh. Large circles have finger paws. The rich step is as long as the body.

Foot duplicate will be different. "Briefs" begin with a short neck collar, "curd chops" on the side and a full front fence. Totally brisky - long hair on the thighs - cover the back legs. In the body, the coat is long and flowing, but it sometimes changes. The gaff in the summer looks rather bare compared to all of its winter glory. The coat is almost all of the colors and patterns, with or without white, with the exception of chocolate, lavender or lilac or sharp drawings in the Siamese language.

Children and other pets
The friendly, enduring Norwegian wild cat is an ideal choice for families with children and cats. She loves the attention she receives from children who have been respecting her calmly and with dignity, and she does not mean to play a dress or ride with a baby buggy.

She is happy to live with other cats and cats, thanks to her good attitude. Animals are introduced slowly and under controlled conditions to make sure they learn

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