
Descriptive Essay On A Cruise Ship

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Wow! I am really going on a cruise today. When I get all my things together at my house I hit the road and drive to our destination.When I get to my destination there is very many people there a very enormous cruise ship beside me. I walk around for a little while until they tell me to get ready to border the ship. It takes me a while until I reach the entrance to the cruise. When I get closer it gets bigger and bigger and it blocks off the sun from me. When I look up to the entrance the door rises down and everyone hurries in so they can get in their room and I do the same. I finally reach the top and I go inside and it is very magical and wonderful.
I start going in the cruise’s main deck where it was very shiny and very exciting and there is very many people standing waiting in line for the workers to check there ticket on at a time. After,I left the desk I went to go find my room upstairs in room 201 and leave all my belongings in there. While I am organizing my clothes I see the ocean and the big waves so,then I turn back to the bed and there is a elephant made out of a towel. When I hear the anoccement they told everyone that we was taking off and it would be rough. When I felt the boat shake I was so frightened because there were waves hitting the side of the boat and splashing in the boat. The boat begins to rock back and forth and everyone was screaming loudly,but the captain finally leveled the boat out and it was a smooth gentle ride. When we reached the middle of

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